Tailwind Color Palette Generator

Color space
Interpolation method
Start color
100: 'hsl(620 25% 95%)',
200: 'hsl(571.875 24.375% 84.375%)',
300: 'hsl(523.75 23.75% 73.75%)',
400: 'hsl(475.625 23.125% 63.125%)',
500: 'hsl(427.5 22.5% 52.5%)',
600: 'hsl(379.375 21.875% 41.875%)',
700: 'hsl(331.25 21.25% 31.25%)',
800: 'hsl(283.125 20.625% 20.625%)',
900: 'hsl(235 20% 10%)',
End color

This is a simple color palette generator for Tailwind CSS.

It uses Alpine.js for interactivity and Color.js for interpolating between the colors.


Start and end colors

Choose the start and end colors using the HSL sliders.

Color space

This determines in which color space the interpolation happens. Choose between:

Interpolation method

This determines how the colors are interpolated in the polar coordinate space. Choose between:

Using in Tailwind

To use the colors in Tailwind, click the "Copy to clipboard" button and paste it into your Tailwind config:

theme: {
    extend: {
        colors: {
            'brand': {
                100: 'hsl(474 0% 98%)',
                200: 'hsl(442.625 9.75% 86.625%)',
                300: 'hsl(411.25 19.5% 75.25%)',
                400: 'hsl(379.875 29.25% 63.875%)',
                500: 'hsl(348.5 39% 52.5%)',
                600: 'hsl(317.125 48.75% 41.125%)',
                700: 'hsl(285.75 58.5% 29.75%)',
                800: 'hsl(254.375 68.25% 18.375%)',
                900: 'hsl(223 78% 7%)',